Truth Bomb Tuesday: Jobs suck. Let’s not pretend otherwise. What can you do if you hate your day job? Well, the obvious thing to do is quit, but then that lead you to having an awkward conversation with your bank manager… and your power company, and the school fees administrator… and now your kids are […]
T-Bomb: How to make self-compassion a habit
Truth Bomb Tuesday: This is how to unlock this mind-blowing productivity hack There’s this idea that I see pop up in popular media all that time that bugs the bug-poo out of me. And it’s this idea that we can achieve change in our life through conscious thought and action. “Remember to keep you back […]
T-Bomb: Anger is the antidote to fear
Truth Bomb Tuesday: Time to flip this paradigm on its head. Anger is the key to abundance. Ok, we’re a little down the rabbit hole here. This is not your introductory class in money mindset. But hear me out. It’s true. Anger is the key to abundance. So to start with, think about what anger […]
T-Bomb: How to capitalise on the market for talents
Truth Bomb Tuesday: Just because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it’s not valuable. There’s a paradox in economics. It is the idea that value of something is connected to how scarce it is, not how useful it is. Take water for example. Water is about the most useful thing on the planet. Without it, we are […]
T-Bomb: Yoda was wrong.
Truth Bomb Tuesday: Yoda was a product of his time. I rewatched The Empire Strikes Back the other day, and I think I know what’s wrong with the world. (It’s amazing how well that film holds up. Classic.) Anyway, there’s a point where Luke is deciding to rush off and help Hans and Leia, while […]
T-Bomb: How to be truly free
Truth Bomb Tuesday: Our operating system is outdated. Don’t let it rule your life. Imagine a simple, old-school computer game. In it, there are objects to avoid, and objects to move towards. You move towards the good things and away from the bad things. You get points if you get the good things. You lose […]
T-Bomb: Why these words make me angry
Truth Bomb Tuesday: Why does some criticism make you angry? Imagine two scenarios. In the first, I’m out doing the grocery shopping. Some random person comes running up to me and says, “You should learn more about boat building in ancient Greece!” I’d be like, “Whatever random guy. What are you even talking about?” and […]
T-Bomb: How to love what you really want
Truth Bomb Tuesday: Time to update your mental models Most of us end up scared of what we really want. It’s such a funny thing. It sounds so ridiculous. But it’s not that we scared of the things we want themselves. (Who’s afraid of a new car?) Rather, we’re afraid of the part of ourselves […]
T-Bomb: Why you can’t fix victims
Truth Bomb Tuesday: Time to stop banging your head against that wall It took me a while to figure out how to work with people stuck in a victimhood mentality. People would come to me looking to turn their financial life around, but life was always screwing them over. Ask them about how things are […]
T-Bomb: Why anger is the wellspring of desire
Truth Bomb Tuesday: We’re so scared of it, but it’s so important. Imagine you are creating some sort of AI robot, and you want it to replicate the human experience as much as possible. Would you give that robot the capacity to feel anger? I’m guessing that most people would say “No, of course not.” […]