T-Bomb: the key to unlocking abundance

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Make time for an abundant future Are you able to zoom out right now? I mean, imagine you were an alien that lived for thousands of years. Could you zoom out and hold that perspective? Could you see this moment of time – everything that’s going on in the world and in […]

T-Bomb: How I invest in uncertainty

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Don’t wait until you know I caught a quote from the comedian Conan O’Brien I really like the other day: “Nobody knows really what they’re doing. And there are two ways to go with that information. One is to be afraid, and the other is to be liberated, and I choose to […]

T-Bomb: Release yourself from this torture

Truth Bomb Tuesday: I don’t need you to be consistent. One of the great tortures of life is the pressure to be consistent. We feel we must have consistent opinions and a consistent world-view. Contradict yourself and people will think you are weak-minded, if not crazy. And so we feel a lot of pressure to […]

T-Bomb: Life is short. Soak it up

Truth Bomb Tuesday: We’re here for a good time, not a long time. If it’s one thing I’ve learnt it’s that life is short. So short. It’s one of the great tragedies of life is that you just don’t appreciate how short life is until you’re most the way through it. When I was young, […]

T-Bomb: You only have one job  

Truth Bomb Tuesday: It’s as simple and as difficult as that.   There is only one thing you have to do. You only have one job.   To be successful, to live a fantastic life, it all hinges on one simple task.   I know that sounds strange. To most people success feels like building a massive sandcastle […]

T-Bomb: There are no adults

Truth Bomb Tuesday: This is not universal, but it’s common. Having worked with tens of thousands of students over the years, there is really one fact that’s jumped out at me. No two people are the same. Our psyches are as unique as fingerprints. But that doesn’t really help me much if my mission is […]

T-Bomb: Read this before you quit your job

Truth Bomb Tuesday: Jobs suck. Let’s not pretend otherwise. What can you do if you hate your day job? Well, the obvious thing to do is quit, but then that lead you to having an awkward conversation with your bank manager… and your power company, and the school fees administrator… and now your kids are […]