Truth Bomb Tuesday: Before you can slay dragons, you have to tie up your shoes. The road to your great dreams is paved with a thousand tiny, little achievements. I get a lot of people coming to me looking for help with their ‘hero’ story. And that’s awesome. They know that they’re not living the […]
Revealed: ‘the economy’ doesn’t exist.
Economics 101: Forget about the economy The economy doesn’t exist. I mean, have you ever seen one? I’m feeling like I want to give a few blogs to something of an economics primer – Dymphna’s Economics 101 – something to help people get a basic sense of how the economy hangs together. This stuff is […]
T-Bomb: Beware the ‘loneliness loop’
Truth Bomb Tuesday: If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. Your social skills might not bounce back. I don’t want to be too much of an alarmist here, but the whole Covid story is creating bunch of pitfalls to watch out for. And now we’ve got to add the destruction of our social skills […]
Truth Bomb Tuesday: Stressed? Try this brain hack.
I’ve got 99 jobs but a problem aint one. I’ve shared a few little brain hacks in these blogs. I’ve got another one for you. Never say the word ‘problem’ again. I’ve been playing with this one for a while. I don’t like problems. They feel heavy. I don’t like the way they sit in […]
A 5-step plan for power habits
Success is all about tapping the power you already have. Habits are the key. We’ve learnt a lot about habits over the past ten years – through advances in psychology and neuro-science and what have you. In that way, this is an amazing time to be alive. They say something like 40% of our decisions […]
Truth Bomb Tuesday: The one key to tapping your power
Success is all about tapping the power you already have. There is a great deal of power in you. I can say that, even though you could be any number of people in the I Love Real Estate network. But I know it’s true because it’s true of all people. (I can’t rule out that […]
5 secret reasons why this market will go bang
This is Wave One in a new housing mindset. And almost nobody sees it. You know me, I love a good deal. But I also love a deal that does good things. So If I can find something that delivers a great return, and does a lot of good in the process, then it’s winner, […]
Property Affordability: So how do I buy a house, Grandma? [Part 3]
I’ve been getting a great response to this series so far. A lot of young people have told me how refreshing it is that someone finally understands how hard it is to buy a house these days (which I proved in PART 1), and my analysis of The Big Five really opened their eyes to the […]
Property Affordability: How Did House Prices Get So Expensive? [Part 2]
On Tuesday, I showed you that young people are actually not smooshed avocado eating hipster whingers. (Who would have thought?) I showed you some amazing charts that prove just how much harder the property market is for young people these days. (If you missed it, Part 1 in this series is here.) Before I can help […]
Property Affordability: BS or Reality? My take on it… [Part 1]
As a successful property investor and as someone who has done their time in the trenches of the market, people expect me to side with the “Harden-up Kids” brigade – with the people who think that the only thing young people need to help them buy a house is a teaspoon of concrete and a […]