May 25, 2021 by Dymphna

Video: Population Figures Predict What Housing Will Be In Demand

One of the biggest issues modern property investors face is falling behind.

Information travels a mile a minute in todays age, and I hear all too often of how a bright young investor takes their eyes off the game for one second…

…And bam. That moment, that cycle, that opportunity, passes them by.

Despite this I still insist that keeping on top of it all isn’t hard.

So long as you know where to look.

In order to help you with this I’ve produced another episode of my Intelligent Property Investor video series.

It’s jam packed this week, here’s what we’re covering.

  • What Caused the shock increase in US inflation?
  • What’s Trending in the Australian Market?
  • How a crap box in Camperdown busted all records at auction
  • New Population figures that predict what housing will be in demand in the coming years
  • Why you can’t rely on the market to give you a pay rise
  • And much, much more…

This info will be critical for investors over the short and long term.

But it is timely, so jump on it quick.

If you’d like to book a FREE 60 minute Real Estate Breakthrough session with one of Dymphna’s advisors, just head to

If you prefer a written version of this masterclass you can download a pdf report here.