If you’re like so many of my successful students, you’re on your journey to financial independence and you’re getting there fast—faster than you ever thought possible! You’ve got the process down to a science—one property leads to two, two lead to four, four to eight and on it goes.
Before you know it, your portfolio’s net worth has passed the million-dollar mark and your income is well into the six-figures…
You feel great about what you’ve achieved… And you jolly well should be proud! Your property portfolio is ticking over, the passive income is flowing and your equity is growing. It’s all good, as they say!
Are you a naked investor?
So you’re now a millionaire. You’re ready for your black-tie celebration at a swanky restaurant and you’re dressed like a movie star. At least you think you are…
What you don’t know is that as far as your property portfolio is concerned, you’re not in a flashy tuxedo at all–you’re stark naked!
You see, now that you’ve gotten to where you wanted to go financially, you’ve forgotten one crucial element to your portfolio—Asset Protection. This is what so many people forget…and painfully regret.
At this point, your newest and highest priority should be protecting what you have! If you thought the journey to becoming a millionaire was fast, you won’t believe how much quicker you can lose it all!
Get Serious about your Portfolio—Get Educated!
It’s a fact. Most investors don’t have the proper structures in place to protect the portfolio they’ve worked so hard to get. They are virtually BEGGING to have their profits and passive income taken from them!
Here’s a reality check: Nothing attracts lawsuits like wealth. And nothing protects wealth like Trusts.
That’s right; I’m talking about Trusts. Yes, I know; they’re as boring as watching paint dry, a sure cure for insomnia and best left to your pointy-headed accountant.
But here’s another reality check: nobody cares as much about your financial portfolio as you do! That’s why you need to get serious and get smart while there’s still time…
My Platinum students know all about trusts and how to use them. Do you?
If you don’t, you’d better, because you’re gonna need it….
Trust me…Trust yourself!
Trusts are the single smartest way of holding and protecting your property, bar none. And they’re not a new invention, either; they’ve been in use since at least the Roman times. That’s for just one simple reason: they work.
In fact, if you’re not holding your portfolio in Trust, you’re not as smart as you think you are. See, the truth is, you really don’t control your portfolio…the guy who brings the next lawsuit against you, does.
Now, you ready to learn a thing or two about trusts?
In the most basic terms, a Trust is a legal entity, which can own property and pay taxes. But it’s much, much more. A Trust can actually exist for many lifetimes, benefitting hundreds if not thousands of your heirs.
Think of a corporation like the Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford is long dead, but the company continues on building cars, owning stock, paying dividends, buying and selling property, and all the rest. It’s the same idea with a Trust.
A Trust document describes what’s actually part of it, what it can do, how it can be changed, and what happens when certain things occur, such as death, divorce, and other trigger events defined in it. Like you and me, it can own property, shares, partnerships and other kinds of property and valuables such coin collections, jewelry, etc.
But because it’s a separate legal entity, you don’t own your property portfolio, the Trust does. This means that whoever sues you, CAN’T GET AT WHATEVER IS IN THE TRUST!
Get the picture?
How secure do you feel about your property portfolio now? Think Trusts are still boring…or beautiful? Are you being smart…or stupid?
The Trust itself is prepared by an attorney and is legally recorded with its own tax number and date of creation. It then becomes a valid legal entity with the rights and responsibilities that apply to it.
But there’s a catch…
Don’t rely on the lawyer to draft your Trust…You need to tell the lawyer what YOU want in it! Most law firms will produce a standard Trust document, fill in the blank spots and then send you their bill.
Do not let this happen! Like anything else, a Trust is most effective when it is used properly. Sadly, most lawyers just don’t know as much as they should about asset protection and Trusts.
Do you know just how your portfolio needs to be structured in a Trust? If you don’t, you’d best find out, hadn’t you? You know what I’m going to say next: Educate yourself!
So, if you haven’t been to one of my design and asset protection strategies seminars where I talk about Trusts, I should be seeing your smiling face there in the near future, shouldn’t I? And the sooner the better!
Obviously, there’s a lot more you need to learn in protecting your portfolio. We’ve just barely scratched the surface here, but at least you know where you can go to learn more…And put some clothes on!