Truth Bomb Tuesday: Change is hard… but sometimes easier than you think.
I sometimes you just wake up one day and realise that everything you need is already at your fingertips.
Sometimes you just need something to stop you in your tracks – for the alarm clock to go off – something that makes you stop and take another look at things.
For a lot of people and a lot of businesses that thing has been Covid.
I know it’s definitely true with my business and my training programs.
As far as the industry goes we were pretty ahead of the curve in taking things online. But it was still never a top priority. We always saw it as a supplement to the in-person events.
But then Covid came along and forced us to pull the finger out. We couldn’t let it be a backburner project any longer. We had to make it front and centre.
And what we realised was that a lot of the things that we thought were holding us back were just excuses.
We thought this or that was going to hold us back. We thought this or that was going to be difficult.
And look, there were challenges. It wasn’t as simple as flicking a switch.
But once Covid forced us to make the change, we realise that it wasn’t actually all that difficult after all.
And I can’t tell you how many times in the last 12 months I’ve said something along the lines of “we should’ve done this years ago!”
The need was there. The tools we needed were there. All we needed was something to just come along and kick us in the bum and get us going.
And I’ve seen that dynamic play out time and time again with the students I’ve worked with.
People have to get to the brink of bankruptcy before their personal finances become priority number one.
People have to become completely burnt out by their day job before they start looking around for other ways of making money.
People have to face a major and expensive health challenge before they wonder if their comfortable little nest egg could actually be working harder for them.
And, most common of all, people have to reach their wits end trying to prop up a negatively-geared property portfolio before they wonder whether there might actually be better ways to invest.
The need has always been there. The tools have always been close at hand. But we all just need that kick in the bum sometimes.
So I genuinely hope that Covid has been a kick in the bum for you.
I hope it has been the shock you needed to see that change is possible
… and easier than you thought.