One of the biggest obstacles that novice real estate investors face is getting to their first deal…
Aside from educating yourself…
Getting your finances in order…
And just getting yourself market ready…
Getting your first property in your hands is a big step.
But it’s all worth the effort…
Becoming a better you
Because when property is in your hands, that’s where the profit is, in so many ways.
It’s also where the control and peace of mind is, too.
That’s why I started…
When you have made the effort to learn something new…
To take on a new endeavor and jump in with both feet…
You become a new, smarter version of yourself.
You’ve expanded your knowledge base and your comfort zone…
And the point of it is that you’ve had to make a conscious decision to do something different than you were doing before.
Why does this matter to you?
It matters because even though you’re investing in cash cows that pay you passive income…
That replaces the income you’re earning from your day job…
The key to this whole process is you becoming an “active” real estate investor.
Who wants to be passive?
This one little fact makes all the difference.
You see, I’m well aware of many of the truly passive income real estate investments that are out there…
These are where you give your money to a real estate investment company…
And let them make all the investing decisions.
The company takes your money, finds the properties they decide to buy…
And then charges you a percentage of the income.
Will you get positive cash flow from your investment?
Yes, in many cases you will…
But you lose so much more.
This “passive real estate investing” is great if it’s just one more part of a much larger investment portfolio…
But if you want to change your life…
If you want to grow as an individual and learn new things and become financially independent…
Passive real estate investing isn’t going to get you there.
For one thing, it demands nothing of you, does it?
Active investing demands more from you
You don’t have to challenge yourself to learn about real estate, appraisals or financing…
You don’t have to learn how to get council approval for a subdivision…
Or crunch the numbers on a development project.
Most of all, you aren’t required to challenge yourself and make positive changes in how you think and how you live…
Nothing is required of you but cash.
In many ways, it’s the worst real estate investment you can make…
Because you’re investing in someone else’s abilities and decision-making…
At the same time, you’re not investing in yourself.
You’re telling yourself and your significant other that your money is better off in someone else’s hands…
That you don’t have the desire, confidence or ability to make the necessary changes in your life to succeed.
Because isn’t just about learning how to invest in real estate…
It’s really all about learning how to invest in you…
Learning that you can take control of your life and how you live it…
And realizing that you have the power to make your dreams come true.
When you watch the success videos of people who changed their lives completely…
Who came from difficult financial situations and a few short years later…
Have passive incomes them let live how they want to live…
You will see just how powerful being an active real estate investor really is!
Active investors have all the fun…
The other downside to passive investing is that you lose out on many tax advantages such as depreciation and other deductions…
You also miss the possibility of building fantastic relationships will other investors, real estate agents, developers and many others…
You never build a network of smart, like-minded people you can turn to for help…
Or to find new opportunities.
None of these things happen when you’re a passive investor in a real estate deal…
You have no control and no say in what happens to your money.
You get no satisfaction on a deal done right…
No experience with negotiations…
No fantastic high when you’ve made a deal happen and brought it to the finish line…
And the income you receive won’t be nearly as much as you would earn had you bought a cash cow yourself.
That’s because you’re paying for that company’s expenses…
You’re paying for their advertisements…
You’re paying for their accountants, their agents, their office lease, and most of all…
You’re paying for them to get the lion’s share of the profit.
Invest in yourself!
When you join iLoveRealEstate, you’re investing in yourself…
You’re putting yourself on the path to your new future…
It’s an affirmation that you are challenging yourself to do more with your life…
To change your life for the better and become a better version of yourself…
It’s a wonderful journey…
Why would you want to miss it?