August 7, 2017 by Dymphna
[PODCAST] The critical ATO announcement that could affect your ability to invest.
One month into the new tax year and I wanted to make sure you are across this important announcement.
Each year we move more toward a credit score system like the Americans have…
This year – effective from 1st July the ATO have jumped on that bandwagon.
Today’s podcast is only a short one… but an important one.
I want to talk to you about:
- The Important ATO announcement that could affect your ability to borrow
- The criteria for this announcement and what action you need to take
- The downside of shopping around for loans
- The downside of shopping around for your credits cards
- How this announcement will affect you if you have an ABN and why your business won’t protect you.
- What you need to do if you have a current tax debt and you break a payment plan
- And much, much more…
I also discuss the various stages of an Audits – the different kinds of Audits and the insurance you can take out against them.
Like I said this is a short one but covers an important topic and changes you need to know about.