
Learn from some of the most successful mentors and coaches in the field. Get the right information first from a team of experts that is second to none.

Dymphna Boholt's Special Gift

Dymphna Boholt built her multi-million dollar property portfolio starting virtually from scratch. Newly divorced and pregnant with her second child, she had little other than a burning desire to be financially free. Dymphna now controls a multi-million dollar international property portfolio and enjoys a lifestyle that most other people just dream about.


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Smart move.

Each step you follow is leading you to complete financial freedom. Keep going...

YOUR GIFT: Each year I run a special one day live training which covers the fundamentals of safe, profitable property investment. This event is made up of several smaller induction courses covering:

  • Bullet-proof protection for your property portfolio and growing wealth
  • How to control the flow of money through your assets and accounts to minimize tax and maximize profit.
  • Positioning your investment properties for massive growth
  • Making sure ALL your investment are cash flow positive, not only paying for themselves but also making you money to live on as well.
  • Manufacturing your own real estate boom on every deal you do and investment property you hold.
  • And much much more...

You get the whole lot for free...

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"My passion is to help people make money through real estate, but really when you break it down, it’s about helping people achieve financial freedom."

Dymphna is the author of the best-selling book, ‘Confessions of a Real Estate Millionaire’ as well as five other real estate specific books.