A qualified accountant and economist, Dymphna is dedicated to helping people grow both financially and emotionally so that they can enjoy financial freedom.
She is the author of the best-selling book, Confessions of a Real Estate Millionaire, as well as five other real estate specific books. She has repeatedly held the title for the #1 Investment Podcast on iTunes for many years, shared the stage with wealth icons such as Donald Trump, Robert kiyosaki, Richard Branson and Anthony Robbins.
She has coached and educated over 100,000 people in the last 10 years and has the largest real estate newsletter, “iLoveRealEstate” with over 74,000 subscribers …and growing fast.
“Educating on success, money, and material wealth are the things that I am best known for. I have trained and helped thousands of students over the years to reach their financial goals. I call it, achieving your peg in the sand. Whatever that may be.”