I’m sure most everyone can agree that life is not always fair. Sometimes it’s all sunshine and daisies and sometimes life pushes you over and then kicks you when you’re down.
I once heard this described as “Rooster one day – Feather duster the next.”
There’s nothing glamorous about it, it’s not a Hollywood movie. It takes time to pick yourself up, build up your confidence and emotional readiness to make a new start.
Today’s podcast is about exactly that.
My special guest was having a very rough time where everything she knew about her life fell apart.
…But she picked herself up and started again from where she was.
She set herself a goal of 7 properties … but within 12 months, she owned 14.
Now that’s the way to boost your confidence!
Have a listen.
It’s inspirational, entertaining and inspiring. It shows you just what can be done if you just get into the right space.