October 26, 2021 by Dymphna

Video: The FASTEST property growth in 32 years?

As lockdowns around the country are FINALLY lifted, people are looking for a change of scenery (In more ways than one…)

In case it’s not obvious, I’m talking about PROPERTY.

In Sydney alone property prices have already lifted 1.9%.

Sounds like a meagre number, but considering the tiny timeframe between lockdown and now, it’s absolutely insane.

Within those proportions in fact, it’s fastest property growth in 32 YEARS.

That’s the fastest since 1989. (For refence, that’s the year the Berlin wall fell.)

It’s insane, and I wanted to talk about it this week, why it’s happened, and where it’s headed.

Here’s everything else you’re going to discover.  

  • Why property prices are booming everywhere
    …except this one segment to look out for
  • Why the economy is strong despite the lockdowns,
    …and why business is looking forward to a strong Christmas
  • Why farmers are making hay on the hottest land market in years,
    …And what that means for the price of your house.
  • Which country is playing silly-buggers with the energy market
    …And why that’s awesome news for Australia.
  • And much, much, more…

I hope you’re as excited as me with this news.

It’s a bright future ahead.

If you’d like to book a FREE 60 minute Real Estate Breakthrough session with one of Dymphna’s advisors, just head to iloverealestate.tv/questions/

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