8 years ago a young couple came to one of my boot camps.
Today they are full-time developers.
They have multiple projects on the go at any point in time and are always looking at potential new developments. But it’s not all work. They always make sure to have time for other important things like their young family.
There are some very important differences that these guys have that make them so successful.
…But it’s not like they were born with it – they worked at it.
It’s the difference between huge success… and not.
It comes down a few key things…
and that’s what we’re talking about in today’s podcast:
—> The 8 minute morning routine that will keep you fully focused throughout the day
—> The 2-minute end of day check-in that means you get more out of every day
—> The research habit that helps them design cutting edge high demand developments
—> The One annual process that keeps surprising them again and again with results
—> The single most important mindset change you can make if you want to be a successful developer – not what you think…
It goes against our common sense but makes a massive difference!
Jason and Amy’s 3 key pieces of advice you need to pay attention to, especially of you are just starting out and are struggling to make headway…