Truth Bomb Tuesday: The state I try to put myself in as the year begins.
Here we go. The year is in full swing now, and we’re rushing down the water-slide chute towards 2024 at break-neck speed.
Is it terrifying? Exciting? A bit of both?
I’m excited.
The new year is a new chapter. It’s a chance to reset and restart. It’s a chance to launch yourself into the year that will go down in your family’s history as the year that Great-Great-Grandma took charge of her life and built the family fortune.
(It’s why we named the library after her.)
So you know, no pressure. It’s only the fate of your family and all your decedents we’re talking about.
Seriously though, if you’re not feeling the pressure you’re probably not really understanding what’s at stake.
The life you’ve been dreaming of might only be 18 months away. Maybe less.
That might be all you need to unplug from the machine, quit your job, and live your life on your own terms.
(I’m wondering now what the record in the ILRE community actually is… maybe 3 or 4 months… but that wasn’t from a standing start. I’ll have to get the research team to look into that one.)
But the point is, if you play the year right, this could be the year that changes everything.
It’s important.
And that obviously means you want to put yourself in an anxious panic and get totally frozen up, over-thinking every possible move.
OMG! It’s so important!
No, you don’t want to do that.
You want to stay relaxed. Calm.
But you don’t want to go back to sleep either. At this time of year a lot of people think, I’ve had such a crazy summer, I think I’ll just let myself settle into the new year before I do anything crazy.
And then they look up and it’s July.
It’s very easy in this day and age to fall into a trance. We become zombies in suits – too tired and burned out to go against the flow – a flow that pushes us in to dead-end day-jobs and credit card debt.
At every turn we’re lulled back into sleep – because it’s just easier.
And hands up if you couldn’t use a little bit of a rest right now.
So no, somewhere here there’s a sweet spot.
We’re conscious of what a pivotal moment in our history this could be, without getting into an anxious flap about it.
And we’re relaxed and calm, without being lulled into the stupor of the daily grind.
Focused, energised and relaxed.
That’s what we’re going for.
And I hope these are the things that are going to define your year.
Because this year is the year that could completely change your life.
Now, it’s up to you.