
Making money in the land of opportunity. How Vanessa made Australia home.

Vanessa and her husband arrived in Australia with two bags and $10,000. She felt daunted and alone, but connecting with the ILRE community has given her a sense of belonging, as well as the strategies she’s needed to carve out an exciting new life for herself.

As the financial crisis in Argentina went from bad to worse, Vanessa and her husband knew that they had to get out. They decided to try their luck in Australia – a country they had never been to, but seemed to promise plenty of opportunity to people who were willing to work hard.

In 2008, they walked through the gates of Melbourne Airport with two bags and $10,000 in cash, thinking, “Now what?”

“When you come to a new country, your support networks are really important because you don’t have any family. But then I look at the ILRE community and think, “If this isn’t family, what is?”

Vanessa has always had an interest in property, working as a real estate agent in Argentina, selling high-end properties to foreigners – consulates, embassies, fancy apartments to investors from Miami, things like that. She had seen first-hand that real estate could be a fantastic way to build wealth, and she believed that property investing could be the vehicle her family needed to set themselves up in Australia.

However, she knew that she needed help understanding the local market and the kinds of strategies that would work in Australia, and so she signed up for Dymphna Boholt’s Quantum Program in 2016. The training she received gave her the confidence she needed to go after a couple of cheaper deals in Geelong, and the ILRE network also introduced her to Chris – a money partner willing to fund another deal for her in regional Victoria.

These three deals have delivered over $80,000 in profit, but Vanessa stresses that it’s the sense of community and the ‘family’ that she’s found that has been most valuable.

It’s the community, after all, that makes a place home.

Let’s have a quick look at the deals Vanessa has used to get herself started.

Deal 1: A deal to suit every budget

Working with the ILRE strategists, Vanessa could see that without a lot of capital to work with, she would have to leverage her passion and drive, and start out with a cheaper deal in a regional area.

Living in Melbourne, Vanessa was attracted to the property market in Geelong. Telling her boss that she was working from home, every Wednesday for six months she would drive to Geelong and work from the local cafes. She would even do her grocery shopping there, until she felt like a local area expert.

Finally, she found a property with an existing tenant that she was able to buy for just $211,000.She renovated at the end of the lease and sold for a profit of $34,000.

“I told the boss I was working from home, but every Wednesday I’d drive over to Geelong, just to get to know the market better.”

Deal 2: A friend with money

With a successful deal under her belt, Vanessa then went into a joint venture as the money partner – funding the deal, while her JV partner Kris did the work. She met Kris through the ILRE network and they found a deal in the small town of Canowindra, Victoria.

They purchased it for just $105,000 and Vanessa spent $20,000 on the renovation. The reno went very well, but the sale took longer than expected as it was a small town.

With of their ILRE education they had planned for this scenario, and they decided to rent it until sold. It generated positive cashflow while it was on the market and they got a healthy $212,000 on the sale.

“It takes a long time to sell a property in a town with only 2,000 people!”

Deal 3: Leveraging experience

Vanessa had now gained enough confidence to do another deal on her own terms. The agent who sold her first deal in Geelong brought a property to her. Leveraging her experience and knowledge she immediately recognised it was a good deal, as she knew the area well and the renovation costs. She contracted straight away.

Purchased for just $300,000, and after the renovation Vanessa was able to get a record price on the second open for inspection day of $420,000, for a total profit of almost $50,000.

Deal 4: A bit of Dymphna Juju

In 2019, Vanessa sold the Melbourne townhouse she was living in to move to Brisbane. Under Dymphna’s guidance, Vanessa had been doing a lot of work on her mindset – a process that included the use of vision boards.

When her property went to auction, Vanessa had put an ambitious final sale price of $952,000 on her vision board, which is exactly where the bidding stopped. There was one final bid of $962,000 right before the hammer fell, which was a bonus, but if Vanessa was looking for proof of the power of these processes, this was it.

A place to call home

She recently contracted her third reno in Geelong after another local agent brought her an off-market deal knowing the work she does. Vanessa and her family are now well established in Australia and she knows that property investing will be a big part of their future here. She has found a place to call home, but more importantly, with the ILRE community, she has also found her tribe. And she is loving it!

“I told the auctioneer that I had put a sale price of $952,000 on my vision board. He was like, “Um… ok. That’s a little ambitious…” But when the bidding stopped at $952,000 exactly, you should have seen the look on his face!”

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These stories and the results in them were captured at a specific point in time. The real estate market and the investing strategies used to succeed are constantly changing. The achievements and results of these investors may have changed since these stories were recorded. Each of these investors engaged in in-depth training, coaching and mentoring to be able to achieve these results. Their results are not typical and should not be taken as a guarantee of the results you may achieve. Your personal results will be in-line with the training, education and hard work that you personally conduct.

“I told the auctioneer that I had put a sale price of $952,000 on my vision board. He was like, “Um… ok. That’s a little ambitious…” But when the bidding stopped at $952,000 exactly, you should have seen the look on his face!”

Post-Dymphna Results

PPR (Melbourne)
Pre-Renovation Value: $680,000
Renovation Spend: $10,000
Post-Renovation Value: $962,000
Profit: $272,000

1st  Deal Corio
Pre-Renovation Value: $211,000
Renovation Spend: $18,000
Post-Renovation Value: $305,000
Profit: $34,000

2nd Deal Corio
Pre-Renovation Value: $300,000
Renovation Spend: $36,500
Post-Renovation Value:$420,000
Profit: $47,500