I want you to be smarter.
Because an intelligent property world is a healthy property world.
And to do that I’m starting a weekly masterclass/podcast dedicated to enlightening and educating that property world (AKA you), for free.
It’s called the Intelligent Property Investor.
It’s a weekly video series with updates on economic news, market trends, and success mindsets.
But most importantly, it’s timely.
It’s recorded and curated every week, and that’s exactly how often you need to be watching it to stay on top of everything that’s happening in the financial and property world.
In fact, here’s what we’re covering in just this week alone…
Hope you enjoy.
And if you’d like to book a FREE 60 minute Real Estate Breakthrough session with one of Dymphna’s advisors, just head to iloverealestate.tv/questions/
Follow me and listen to all my podcasts on Spotify and iTunes.