They just wanted to dig themselves out of the financial hole they were in, grow their wealth, replace their income and enjoy a lifestyle of freedom and abundance.
Before becoming a property investor, Robyn wanted to earn an income through art. That’s why she opened her own photography studio at 20 years old. However, she learned the hard way that the artist life can give her a good income… but it couldn’t make her wealthy.
So, at 22 years old, Robyn bought her first block of units and renovated them. She ended up making more money out of that one renovation than she did in a whole year of doing photography!
This spurred Robyn to continue with property, buying an investment property year after year, believing that it will give her more passive income and ultimately, more control over her time.
Unfortunately, without a Strategy and a Plan, it was very hit and miss for Robyn.
Sure, some deals yielded her great profits. But some barely scraped over the line.
“I really just had to take responsibility for where I was at.”
That’s when she decided to get proper guidance on her property investing. She dragged her husband, Ross, to an ILRE weekend… and the rest, as they say, is history.
After joining Dymphna Boholt’s program in March 2020, Robyn was finally able to create the life she’s always wanted for herself.
Robyn’s first deal with ILRE took place just last year.
Her first assignment was to buy a multi-tenanted commercial property. So, she set her sights on a block of eight shops in Townsville.
The commercial centre had two vacancies. And Robyn bought the commercial block at $930,000 using the upside strategy to renovate and filling in the vacancies to increase it’s value.
At the time, the aggregate rent from the tenants amounted to $93,000. After renovating the property and finding two more tenants to fill up the vacancies, the property is now valued at $1.4 million. Meanwhile, rent is rolling in at $145,000.
That means after overhead expenses, this commercial investment is giving Robyn an additional annual net cash flow of $60,000.
Before joining ILRE, Robyn a property in Ramsey Crescent that she named Kylie the problem child, since she let an agent talk her into buying. Robyn didn’t do any research and bought the property on the agent’s ‘good word’ and advice.
Kylie was holding Robyn back, so the ILRE team helped her cut her losses and get rid of Kylie after over 200 days sitting in the market.
When it finally sold, albeit at an $83,000 loss, Robyn was able to free up much-needed financing in order to move forward to better performing deals
This brings us to deal number three…
Robyn’s third deal with ILRE involved a knockdown and build duplex deal in Bokarina.
The property came with a few unwanted additions, as the previous owner was a hoarder who didnt even clean the house before handing the keys over to Robyn.
The purchase price was $750,000. Three builders gave estimates of how much it was going to cost Robyn to finish renovations, but that figure went up by $300,000 after six months.
At any rate, Robyn is anticipating a net profit of $500,000 from this deal.
Robyn’s fourth deal with ILRE involved a lovely four-bedroom, four-bathroom apartment. It’s very remarkable, as it had bright turquoise tiles in every bathroom.
So, Robyn and her interior designer hatched a plan to go with an art deco theme to maximise some of the turquoise touches.
Renovations cost her about $150,000. That’s on top of the $1.5 million price tag and the $68,500 purchase costs.
Two agents have since appraised the apartment, yielding an equity range of $2.4 million to
$2.7 million after renovation and market uplift.
That’s an equity increase of up to $950,000 for Robyn!
“It’s got to be unique because I am.”
For her fifth deal with ILRE, Robyn cut another duplex deal.
This time, the property is at Wurtulla, right on the coast. The property had been for sale for about six weeks. And Robyn just knew there’s got to be something wrong with anything that doesn’t sell in six weeks on the coast.
So, Robyn using her learnings from ILRE called up the agent and negotiated the purchase down to $788,000 from a listing price of $900,000.
Robyn is expecting to net $500,000 from this deal, as well.
“I really enjoy the process… making sure I’ve done my homework so that I’m accountable.”
Robyn’s sixth deal with ILRE took eight months of negotiations for a 12-year-old apartment that’s never been sold.
The problem with the penthouse apartment was that every ceiling and every window in the whole apartment was leaking. There’s just massive water leaks everywhere!
Having renovated for high rises before, water leaks are nothing new for Robyn. She had fresh knowledge, fresh information, and fresh ways to deal with the problem.
So, on week 9 of the projected week 12 renovation, she had sold and settled the penthouse apartment for an anticipated net profit of over $200,000.
Robyn created the life she’s been dreaming about since leaving school at 14, within 18 months of joining ILRE.
But more importantly…
Robyn’s property investing journey has allowed her to rechannel her passion for photography into projects that fit her mantra of making the world a better, more beautiful place.
For Robyn, there are far more important things in life than money. That includes doing things that make her happy. Like only eating cake with pink icing, or giving her companies snazzy names like Chocolates for Breakfast.
But the reason she’s able to do all that is her highly profitable property portfolio.
“To me… the little things in life are really, really important.”
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These stories and the results in them were captured at a specific point in time. The real estate market and the investing strategies used to succeed are constantly changing. The achievements and results of these investors may have changed since these stories were recorded. Each of these investors engaged in in-depth training, coaching and mentoring to be able to achieve these results. Their results are not typical and should not be taken as a guarantee of the results you may achieve. Your personal results will be in-line with the training, education and hard work that you personally conduct.
“I really enjoy the process… making sure I’ve done my homework so that I’m accountable.”
Anticipated net profit $2,200,000
Cashflow $60,000 pa