Last time I talked about evaluating your progress as we reach the midpoint of the year…
And the middle of the year is a great time to assess yourself in relation to the goals you set back in January…
And make mid-course corrections if you need to.
But what if you’re ahead of schedule?
What if the goals you set for yourself in January have already been accomplished?
Is it time to sit back and drink cold ones for the next six months since you’re already so successful?
Not so fast, mate!
Just as falling short of your goals is cause for a pause and reflection of what happened and why…
Getting ahead of schedule, though it’s a wonderful feeling and a great accomplishment…
Should also make you think about a few things…
Like are you setting the bar just a bit low, for instance?
Are you someone who fears to really challenge himself?
Or is there something else at work here?
Find out what led you to be ahead of schedule
Say, for example, that your goal was to buy your first property in 2014…
And you’ve already bought two or three and have a couple more in the pipeline?
What does that say about you?
One thing might be that you’ve really learned your iLoveRealEstate system well…
And good on you for that!
It also means that you’ve found the right strategy that works for you…
So don’t change a thing!
Well, you might change one aspect of what you’re doing…
Do more of it!
Challenge yourself
By that I simply mean that accomplishment, like all challenges, are relative…
What are challenges for some are simple pleasure for others.
For you, a person who has learned to work the iLoveRealEstate system the way it was designed to work…
Who also did your due diligence and found the right properties…
And negotiated the right price…
The challenge of doing chunk deals or cash cow deals may not be enough for you…
This is often the case when you do deal after deal and the cash flow or the equity is no longer the biggest obstacle in your life.
If that’s you, congratulations!
You’ve accomplished a great deal and you should feel proud of yourself…
But you certainly don’t need to stop there…
And hopefully, don’t want to stop there, either.
We all need to feel challenged in life, don’t we?
Otherwise, we grow slow, dull and unproductive.
So what’s the answer?
The answer is to keep working the strategy that’s making you so successful…
But also to expand your horizons…
Look at bigger, more profitable deals, typically in development…
But don’t put your current portfolio in risk by doing so.
The key point is to keep challenging yourself…
Keep growing and learning…
And you’ll find that you will want and need bigger goals to strive for…
Eventually, you’ll find that your biggest goals won’t have as much to do with money…
As they will have to do with time…and people.
Lift up another person
This may not be on your goals list for the rest of the year…
But as you’ve seen with many testimonials…
Or heard Ian talk about it…
Or me, for that matter…
You will reach a point where you want to give back.
Giving back is one of the fantastic results of success among many iLoveRealEstate students…
You’ve seen their testimonials…
They’ve done much better, much faster than they ever thought possible…
They’ve suddenly found themselves with plenty of time and money…
You know who some of them are, don’t you?
And what do they do next?
That’s right; they help someone else up the ladder.
It’s often a family member or a friend…
But it’s also often a fellow iLoveRealEstate student who gets a hand up…
And that’s as it should be!
The chain reaction
I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again…
When people do well…
When iLoveRealEstate helps people find lives they could have only dreamed about before…
The world, at least a small part of it, becomes a better place.
Think about it…
When you’re happy, your husband or wife is happier…
Both of you are then much more likely to treat other people better than if you both were stressed about money and retirement and all the rest.
When you treat people better…
They are more likely to treat other people better…
That’s just human nature.
After all, we’re all part of the human chain, aren’t we?
And that chain reaction runs both ways…
Those people who are unhappy in their lives…
Are less likely to treat others well…
And the negativity spreads along the human chain.
It’s not very complicated, but it is true.
But think back to how you felt when you successfully met and/or surpassed your goals…
You felt proud of yourself…
You could see the possibilities…
You had a renewed sense of hope and optimism and it showed in your behavior toward others.
Those positive feelings are just as infectious among people you meet as negative ones are…
So don’t you dare rest on your accomplishments…
Go out and do more, be more….
And give more.