When I was still running my accountancy practice I used to help people work out the steps to replace their income.
I got to see the personal strategies that helped people do just that…
And I got to see the obstacles that held people back from achieving that.
For example, many people waffle on about wanting to become financially free. It drives me mad!
It’s one of those perfectly non-specific phrases that makes it SEEM like you’re doing it all right…
…but it’s utterly meaningless and ineffective. It’s not going to get you to take action.
In today’s podcast I explore:
=> Why people get stuck in inaction – and how to start moving again
=> The harsh truth about where you are right now and how to change it if you’re not happy. This works every time!
=> The one thing that paralyses most people and the very simple cure that anyone can do
=> Why exploring the worst case scenario can actually help you achieve more and make better decisions.
=> What to do if you are unsupported or surrounded by a negative, toxic environment… This will get you out of there and make you impervious.
=> And much, much more…
Inaction can cause massive frustration in your life…
Author Karen Lamb said:
“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”
I see that all the time… time marches on and if you’re not taking action you’ll tend to get left behind… and that can be incredibly painful.
Today’s podcast will help you clear that inaction and procrastination from your life.