June 11, 2020 by Dymphna

Conquer the Chaos Part 6: Investing in Yourself

Jumping into part 6 of our COVID themed real estate breakdown, Dymphna covers the 4 futures model, her famous system for taking action and actually acting within your own best interests. This system is PERFECT for the current climate, the sooner you take action the better, the sooner you know what’s going to benefit you, the better.

In the second half of this episode Dymphna outlines the timeline of events to come, giving you a near specific date where a real window of opportunity appears. It may not be soon, but this crucial piece of info could mean life and death for the careers of thousands.

This series was taken directly from Dymphna’s LIVE digital event – Conquer the Chaos. To book your free spot including visual charts, viewer questions, and TONS more. Click Here:

Don’t forget the check out our website for articles, info and more podcasts: https://iloverealestate.tv/