I’ve got hundreds of emails back asking me questions and 90% of them relate to specific, individual circumstances. Now, logistically I can’t do any of those responses justice – there is just far too many of them and too little time from my perspective.
…but, here’s what I can do.
I can run you through two scenarios which would probably relate to 80% of the individual questions – and from there, you can formulate your own action-steps.
So, in the latest iLoveRealEstate episode, you can listen to exactly how I do this. You’ll see for yourself that this is a very powerful way to put yourself in the picture and figure out what steps you need to take next, depending on where you’re at.
I do this session at some of my high-priced events and it goes down pretty well. Listen to the podcast now and let’s start talking about your future and what steps and actions you need to take next to make the next 3 years fantastic.
Yours Sincerely,
Dymphna Boholt
P.S. 91% of free General Admission seats are now gone for iLoveRealEstate. This event is likely to sell out any day now. Book your free GA seats today: http://live.iloverealestate.tv
P.P.S. Don’t worry if you miss out on the free GA seats, you can still get in at spectacularly good rate on the VIP or Diamond levels.