#42: Should you buy a home to live in or an investment property?

Special Guest: Ian Ugarte One of my most-asked questions: Should you buy a house to live in or an investment property? Investing your way into your “dream home” How to mathematically calculate the best option for you Stamp duty and capital gains considerations Why the market cycle will influence your decision Can you buy an investment […]

#36: 50% of real estate investors don’t take advantage of this.

http://dymvideo.s3.amazonaws.com/ilove/20120913-Tyron.mp4 The shocking reality is that 50% of real estate investors don’t take advantage of this. What that means, is that they are just taking hundred-dollar bills and tearing them up. First of all, that’s dumb and illegal. In this iLoveRealEstate episode, Tyron Hyde shows you how simple it is to minimise your tax, get […]

#25: Free Government Money for All Property Investors

Yes, that’s right. If you’re a property investor and you’re not taking 100% advantage of depreciation, then you’re crazy. In this podcast, I talk to Tyron Hyde on how to maximise your investment and make sure the government/ATO gives you every single cent you’re entitled to. I estimate that 50% of investors, maybe even higher […]